Current Issue

Vol 2 No 30 (2024): From Centralist Federalism to Corporate or Cliental Federalism

The article analyzes the crisis of the "centralist federalism" model in Argentina and the emergence of new actors on the political scene. It points out the weakening of the National State and the strengthening of the provinces, especially the "peripheral" ones. The debate on Argentine federalism is not limited to the distribution of fiscal resources, but involves deeper issues about the articulation between the State, the economy, culture and society. The article raises two possible scenarios for the future of Argentine federalism: a) Cooperative federalism: characterized by more balanced, stable and predictable intergovernmental relations, and by the strengthening of democratic/liberal/republican forms. b) Corporate/clientelist federalism: characterized by the interaction between corporations and the State, and by the domination of political/administrative groups that control the state apparatuses.


Keywords: Federalism; Cooperative Federalism; Provincial Actors; Decentralization; Provinces.




Published: 2024-03-26
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