Rafael Pluralist approaches to cultural economics .

  • Rafael Galvão de Almeida


This articles tries to review briefly research on cultural economics from the perspective of a pluralist approach, exposing their different views on how to “do” cultural economics, therefore it is also a discussion on economic method. Cultural economics is analysed from the perspective Neoclassical, Marxist, Developmentalist, Austrian, Schumpeterian, Keynesian, and Institutionalist schools. In the end, it is proposed ideas on how they can converse with each other, and how economics can contribute to the analysis of art.

Cómo citar
Galvão de Almeida, R. (2020). Rafael Pluralist approaches to cultural economics . Filosofía De La Economía, 8(1), 20. Recuperado a partir de https://ojstest.economicas.uba.ar/index.php/CIECE/article/view/1931